About us part1
THE PROHIBITION ERA IN THE USA (1920) With the onset of Prohibition in the USA, the consumption and sale of spirits became illegal. Only pharmacies were permitted to sell spirits for medicinal purposes. This led to the emergence of an illegal trade, where supposedly ill individuals obtained spirits through prescriptions. Additionally, liquor was often secretly […]
About us part2
THE ALCHEMIST FRANK M. FARRINGTON (1922) Legend has it that the alchemist Frank M. Farrington was renowned for the fine spirits he sold under the counter at his drugstore in New York. Spiced rum, in particular, was a highly popular spirit of the era. There are even reports suggesting it was marketed as a tonic. […]
About us part3
THE RISE AND FALL OF REMEDY RUM (1933) For an entire decade, Remedy was a key ingredient for lively parties in the secret bars and clubs known as speakeasies throughout New York.However, with the end of Prohibition in 1933, the demand for illegally produced spirits declined. As a result, Remedy Spiced Rum gradually faded into […]